HISTORIC OPPORTUNITY: Make your mark in history with the restoration of The DROVER HOTEL. Built in 1840 in the year Allegheny City was incorporated on land of the reserve tract which was established in 1787 by the State of Pennsylvania to pay its Revolutionary War debts. In 1788 lots were auctioned with buyers receiving a lot IN the commons and a larger parcel OUT of the commons. The land was used for "common grazing" of the horses and cattle and not urbanized until after the Mexican War. In 1796 Franklin Road was laid out from Pittsburgh to Erie primarily used by Drovers bringing cattle to the city. This property has seen the history of Allegheny City, its up and downs, from its founding to the annexation by the City of Pittsburgh in 1907 and beyond. People lived, solving problems impacting the world. Here's one: Observatories were built; "Electric time" was created here synchronizing railroads across he land. What will be your impact as you bring renewed life to the DROVERS HOTEL?